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Alembic group strives to create greener environment by celebrating Green Commute year

Alembic group has always been a front runner in contributing towards building a greener environment. In past years Alembic has contributed in many ways towards building a greener environment. The Campus across Vadodara , Karakhdi , Panelav, Jarod and Panchdevla has good amount of plantation. All these campus in total have more than 20,000 tree’s. The plantation activity is carried on regular basis throughout the year, it’s a ritual at alembic that no trees are ever cut and new trees are always added to the campuses.

In year 2018 with regards to commuting to the campus, Alembic group encouraged and started an initiative of “No Car Day” wherein the employees were voluntarily encouraged to give up travelling in Cars to the campus, this was done several times on Fridays. The next step taken was to celebrate a Green Commute day, wherein many employees who stayed in proximity of around 3kms walked to the campus on the decided day, many of them came to work by cycles, and other came by pooling either a Two Wheeler or a Car, this too was done on multiple Fridays. In year 2022 , Alembic group went a step ahead and celebrated Green Commute week , one week prior to 5th June World environment day wherein for entire week the employees either came walking, or by cycle or pooled a 2-wheeler or 4 wheeler, many activities like plantation etc. were done. There were many enthusiastic employees who travelled to the panelav plant located approximately at a distance of 45kms who travelled to their work place on cycle.

Alembic Vadodara campus is the only corporate campus in Vadodara which is connected properly by cycles , which means you can travel to and fro in the large campus and surroundings from any nook or corner via the network of bicycles created with help of Mybyk a start-up which specialises in providing services for bicycle connectivity. Alembic Vadodara Campus has 50 cycles which gives any individual a good connectivity via different pickup and drop station created across the campus.

Due to all the above encouraging initiatives, the campus has seen many contributions wherein few employees voluntarily come to offices and plants by bicycle, car-pool on regular basis.

This year Alembic has taken one more step further in contributing towards a greener environment and is celebrating Green Commute year , which starts from 5th June 2023 and would continue till 5th June 2024.


To encourage its on-role and off-role workforce Alembic has taken many initiatives to ensure that the employees come forward voluntarily and contribute towards the Green Commute year in making it a continuous movement, which the employees regularly appreciate and acknowledge by their individual contributions.

The company has sent emails which informs the employees about the expected contribution they can give, posters are placed across the work places at all units, Stickers are placed at work places to remind them about the initiative, those who are contributing are given Badges displaying the contribution by a particular employee. Whtsapp msgs are circulated across individual cell numbers and whtsapp groups, many employees are seen putting the whtsapp pics in there DP and status to ensure everyone is encouraged to contribute towards the initiative. Today on 5th june plantation is carried out at various locations across Vadodara & plants.

The company organised an event on 5th June 2023 on occasion of world environment day at all their locations , wherein OATH was taken to pledge to contribute towards the initiative during entire year. During the program those employees who voluntarily contributed towards the initiative in last year were felicitated by a trophy and a gift voucher.

Alembic in past had given saplings to its employees to do plantation at their homes, this year to the company distributed the saplings which the employees would be planting at their homes. The employees were asked to send their pics of home plantation which will be displayed on the company intranet. Those who were given saplings were asked to take care of the saplings regularly.

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